Thursday, March 4, 2010

Something you cannot live without

I can't believe there was a time when I had to boil water over and over again just to have a couple of cups of tea. I remember the days when I would boil water, and then have to boil it again because I couldn't drink all that water fast enough. Long gone are those days because, ladies and gentlemen, there is this awesome thing called a "Vacuum jug" that keeps water hot (and I mean steaming hot) for up to 8 hours -- even longer sometimes. This jug is soo useful, I honestly use it every single day. In fact, I cannot believe we at CLI have not written about this before? What is WRONG with us? Clearly we are not at the top of our game!

Check this baby out here: -- The jugs come in many different colors! Take your pick. So far the best price I have seen is around $70-$75, but the matte finish ones are more expensive. I got mine from a place called Scandinavian Grace!

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