Thursday, April 28, 2011

Other People's Trash

As the illustrious CLI intern, I had the good fortune to visit Cape Town's Heath Nash Studio. It wasn't quite what I imagined, since it was pretty much a large room full of plastic trash (like containers, bottles, etc.). But even cooler because it was easier for me to imagine the process and amount of work that goes into producing things out of Other People's Trash. While Heath has many light fixtures and tons of other cool stuff that is actually really beautiful, my favorite is the cool soccer ball made electrical wire over a galvanized steel frame. The cool bowl comes in both black and white and green and yellow (the color of South Africa's bafana bafana!).

It's great for putting in some fruits and other stuff. I love mine! Plus, Heath is suuuuper nice and cool.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This lamp = true love

I'm pretty keen on Guillaume Delvigne's work. It seems he is a pretty respected and prolific designer. In particular, I like his Lamp 010. Not quite sure where it's available since we at CLI have no French speakers.

But check it out here:

He has other cool stuff on his site, so browse away!

South Africa!

Friends! Cheese Lovers! Our CLI intern has been away for a few weeks in the land of the beginnings of homo-sapiens! Yes, Africa!

And while there, the illustrious intern has discovered a really cool bunch of designers. Indeed, the design scene, particularly in Cape Town, South Africa is quite impressive. And cool!

One cool dude we met is called Liam Mooney. He has his own studio of South African-made goods, including this cool bench and sofa-like piece. Drool. Liam is super nice and fun. I wish our intern's suitcase was big enough to bring some of Liam's furniture over, but alas, we will have to make do with our pictures.